Jumpstart an Active Lifestyle by Visualizing Yourself in Motion

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Visualize, Master the Ideal
Intro written: Enhance All of Life with Inner Silence
Stub only: Time Management
Stub only: Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Stub only: Positive Reinforcement

Exercise Details

Duration = 20 minutes.
Difficulty = 50/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To increase the amount of pleasurable physical activity that you engage in by being mindful of what your body needs to release chronic tension.
  2. To mentally evaluate different ways that you could become more active, focusing in the end on those that intuitively feel most beneficial and satisfying.
  3. To increase your sense of physical vitality and your feelings of control over your body's health.
Image courtesy of: Fabian Nick, Wuelfrath, Nordreihnwestfalen, Germany || Original Image || SXC profile